- Special Equipment

Catwalks and Ladders

catwalks and ladders

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Catwalks and ladders are auxiliary structures that allows access to different zones of the line that otherwise would be not accessible.

  • Catwalks are usually supported on H supports and braced cantilevers depending of the needs of the project.
  • platforms of catwalks are manufactured with antiskid floors to give a better grip to the shoe soles while walking
  • It has handrails in one or both sides, depending on the location of the catwalk, to avoid people walking through them to fall and risk health and safety.
  • Ladders to access catwalks are designed depending of the height to reach, to have a safe inclination and amount of steps.


  • The storage of this equipment helps to compensate for any overload in the product flow.
  • It can be adapted to each customer needs. 
  • By its nature, can be placed and almost any place in the plant. 
  • teps and handrails meets the OSHA requirements and are designed to follow industrial health and safety best practices. 


    • Stainless Steel 
    • Mild Steel 
    • Stainless steel


  • Widths 24”, 30”, 40”, 60”
  • Lenghts from 2’ (No limit in lenght) 
  • Pass catwalks 
  • Catwalks. 
  • Platforms. 
  • Lateral catwalks 

Power Requirements

  • N/A

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